For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and to give his life a ransom for many
Mark 10:45
As with all churches, there are always opportunities for serving the Body of Christ.
If you sense a leading from the Lord to serve at Calvary Chapel Oakdale, please complete a brief ministry questionnaire and we will get back with you very quickly.
If you want to serve and don't know where, please speak with us and we will talk with you and pray with you to find a place that matches your interests and gifts from the Lord.
If you sense a leading from the Lord to serve at Calvary Chapel Oakdale, please complete a brief ministry questionnaire and we will get back with you very quickly.
If you want to serve and don't know where, please speak with us and we will talk with you and pray with you to find a place that matches your interests and gifts from the Lord.
Serve in our church
Use your unique gifts to help build the Kingdom.
The Lord had been very clear that when we give our lives away, by serving others for the Lord, that is when we find our lives and fulfillment in life.
What is your spiritual gift to serve the body of christ?
And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ
Ephesians 4:11-12
Our Lord has given all believers spiritual gifts for the express purpose of building up other believers in the Body of Christ.
So, the Lord wants us to know our gifts and to then use them to build up our church family.
No spiritual gift test is perfect. But they can be helpful to help direct you to your spiritual gifts. So, we recommend you take a spiritual gifts test and discuss it/pray over it. And we are happy to discuss it with you and pray for how the Lord might use your gifts for His glory.
Below is a test you can use and please answer the questions as you are now.
So, the Lord wants us to know our gifts and to then use them to build up our church family.
No spiritual gift test is perfect. But they can be helpful to help direct you to your spiritual gifts. So, we recommend you take a spiritual gifts test and discuss it/pray over it. And we are happy to discuss it with you and pray for how the Lord might use your gifts for His glory.
Below is a test you can use and please answer the questions as you are now.